Beer & Pretzels 
The Town Hall, Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire May 15 2010
Saturday - T & T: Hell Ain't a Nice Place to Be
The main gaming floor Saturday morning.
This was indeed an exciting day in my role-playing life. This would prove the first time in a very long time that I would get to indulge in T & T in any other format than solo play. More important than that after several years of communicating with Andy "Boozer" Holmes by email and over the phone this is when I finally got to meet him and Jason "Vital Spot" Mills in person.
Boozer and Jason M at the T & T table.
After a bit of banter and getting to know one another we set to deciding which characters to run in Boozer's great delver-cruncher of a dungeon 'Hell ain't a nice place to be'. By the time we had made the decision on who to take in we had managed to add 3 young lads to our group. They threw themselves into their first ever game of T & T and definitely added to the fun of the occasion.
Boozer concentrates on his next move.
This was the 21st anniversary Beer & Pretzels event so there were commemorative t-shirts for sale. Boozer and I availed ourselves of this promotional merchandise and they now take pride of place in our respective wardrobes. Virtually all of the attendees were sporting them by the end of the day.
Our 3 young delvers new to T & T
"I've got my eye on you!" Jason M does his Patrick Moore impression.
Phil from Spirit Games has a chat with the Tunnels & Trolls crew sporting his commemorative t-shirt.
After a fun day of delving we all headed back to the Tarrrho family cave to partake of a fine takeaway curry and some rather nice red wine for those who indulge in such things. Unfortunately on this occasion my guests had to head back home the next morning but we all decided that it would be good to go to both days of the event next year.
Darrgh Tarrrho (Sid Orpin)
May 2011